
Thing 20: Book 2.0

Books on my phone

My phone ain't doing any things but calling people. *pokes it with a stick* I know...I'm behind in the times.
*pokes it again*
It's still not doing anything but dialing.
So sorry.

There's a place for books. They are not on my phone. I barely have the patience to read an actual book. I really don't want one on my phone or on my computer.

That said, I've seen technology progressing and these sorts of things are fairly common. I think I'm too old to be jumping on the bandwagon for this BUT I can see how the youngest generation of readers will be completely accustomed to this.
I see myself now trying to teach my mother how to use a computer - she was from the MS DOS age. And I can see my future niece or nephew trying to teach me how to read the books of the future.
I still don't like the idea of sitting in front of a screen and trying to read a book. I like the feel of the pages sliding between my fingers as I prepare to turn the page. I like the smell of old books. I wouldn't trade any of that for all the 010101010101 in the world.

That said,
of the sites I explored these are the ones I felt would be most helpful to my library or on a personal level.

What's Next? Come on, you know this is useful. How many times has someone asked "Blahblah was awesome, what's the next book?"

Book Lamp When I saw this description on the NEFLIN site I ran over and made an account. I ALWAYS have a hard time finding a book I like. I usually read the first page to the first chapter of something and just not want to bother continuing it. Usually, it will be that I've enjoyed a book by a certain author, so I assume I'll like all their books. And it's just not the case.
Although, with this one, once I was exploring I realized it's not at all what I thought it would be and I haven't even read a single book they had graphed yet.

Of the communities, I just really didn't bother looking too deeply into that. I don't really care what other people are reading or what they like. My tastes are very different from others. When I get to be a librarian, this may change...but really...just give me a list so I can skip the whole interacting with the person.

All of the book review places looked like they had potential. Again though, I don't really care what other people think of a book. Some books that people have ranted and raved about I've thought sucked. And vice versa.
Hell, most of the books I've enjoyed, most people I know don't even know what it is, with the except of 'The Great Gatsby.'

What should I read next? has potential, if it would stop giving me an internal error message.
This site works more like how I thought Book Lamp would work.

Overall, there are endless uses for all of these sites. There's just too many of them to try and go through.

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