
Thing 9

I've created some presentations.
Here is a slideshow I made on the ZOHO site.

This picture slideshow I made on Picturetrail.

The database tool wouldn't work for me, which was disappointing. I think it had the potential to be very useful in a lot of areas.


The presentation tool was the one I was very interested in exploring. I have a class starting in April and one of the requirements is to create presentation about the books read for the class. I have some experience with powerpoint, but I wanted to research other choices.

I'm still disappointed I can't get the database tool to work. I waited a few days to see if they'd get it up. I think it's just permanently down. I notified the people running the page that I could not create a database and I'm waiting to hear back from them.

Both Zoho and picture trail were easy to use. I enjoyed myself as I played around with the different features.

Thing 8

1. I've been using IM for almost ten years now. I was introduced to IM with AOL. I eventually added on ICQ and then discovered trillian.
Trllian is similar to Meebo(I think) there is another program as well that collects all your IMs into one place, but I can't think of the name off the top of my head.
Until this Thing I didn't realize there were other programs that did had this feature. I never liked the way Trillian was set up, so I'll have to look into these other programs (When I get my new computer, that is. It's hard when you only have 3GB of disk space left on your computer!!)

I've used many versions of AIM(AOL Instant Messenger) and am fond of their older programs. I guess I'm a simplistic IMer. All the new fancy doo-dads don't do anything for me.

I ABHOR test messaging. I can't stomp my feet hard enough and scream it loud enough!
I hate cell phones to begin with. I have one. I use it.
But it's my opinion that text messaging is used primarily to "sneak" communication. Kids use it in class, people sneak in text messages while they're working, and WORSE...
I've seen people use it while they're DRIVING!

-There was a really bad car accident that I read about in the paper a few years back in NY. Four teenage girls in an SUV. The driver lost control of the vehicle and it rolled. All the girls died. During the investigation, the police found that the driver received a text message less than a minute before the time of the crash. It was believed the text messaging distracted her and was the cause of the crash.-

I've told friends who have my cell number not to text me unless it can be answered with "yes," "no," "ok," or it doesn't have to be answered at all. And if I don't respond, not to take it personally.

3. I don't know a lot about web conferencing and haven't really experienced anything like that before. Most of the links provided for this thing either are PDF documents, which my computer doesn't like so I don't open unless it's a vital necessity that I do so, or for some reason don't like firefox.
So, this brings me to a rant I have and am going to share with anyone who reads this...

You(generically) are creating something you want to communicate to a broad range of people. Why would you create it so that it's run best with a certain browser?
What about ALL those people who have macs?
Or prefer another browser over internet explorer? OR whose IE doesn't run properly?

If you're going to create some piece of web communication, no matter what it is, it should be made so that everyone can access it!

All that said,
I want to add one last thing.
We use them at my library and they are a LIFE SAVER!
I work nights and my direct supervisors are usually gone by the time I come in. Emails allow us to converse on subjects of importance. They can leave me emails about pertinent things that need to be accomplished during my shift or reminders about everything under the sun.
plus, emails are more environmentally friendly than paper.
I have my personal library account sent up to send me email notices for reserves and overdues so that we need not ever receive paper in the mail.
Saves paper, and envelope and stamp!


Thing 7: Online Image Generators

Now...before we even start this blog entry...
while I don't have the time, I do have the talent to do my own graphics. I've been working with photoshop for around ten years now. My best friend's husband is a graphic artist, and I house sat for them one year. That's when my love affair with graphic arts started. I don't have a degree or anything, but ten years intensive experience with a program should substitute on some level, right?

I'm going to go on next to what this entire blog entry is about (maybe I should have started there.)
Online image generators...
They do save a lot of time.

Now...before we even start this blog entry...
while I don't have the time, I do have the talent to do my own graphics. I've been working with photoshop for around ten years now. My best friend's husband is a graphic artist, and I house sat for them one year. That's when my love affair with graphic arts started. I don't have a degree or anything, but ten years intensive experience with a program should substitute on some level, right?

I'm going to go on next to what this entire blog entry is about (maybe I should have started there.)
Online image generators...
They do save a lot of time.

Letter James
It wasn't all that great. It's really limited as far as your choices go. And they don't host the image for over 24 hours. So it's pretty much snag and upload yourself.

I liked Image Chef. Again, it was simplistic, but there were a LOT more choices.

Custom Baseball Jersey - ImageChef.com

Now, I bet you're wondering were the picture at the top came from, aren't you?
It's one of my pictures that I altered at Big Huge Labs using their Hockneyizer toy.
I've always been a fan of Hockney and have been working on a project where I actually...do it myself, by hand.
I was curious to see how well it worked and I'm rather impressed with that little gadget.
They have a huge selection of toys and things to do with images there.
It was loads of fun and have spent WAY too much time lately working on it.
(And YES! That is one of my pictures I hockneyized)


Thing 6: Flickr Mashups

Insomnia -- It's good for some things...like getting caught up with my 23 things. 4, 5, and 6 in one night. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
Of course, the goal is to learn.

And have fun.
Which I did.
I posted the one thing that I got to work that I could find a way to post it-- which was splashr.

My Presentation

I also had fun with the jigsaw, but since the photos I used were my own, I'm not going to share them here. If anyone is DESPERATE to see some of my work, feel free to comment here and I'll put together a few images and post them later on.

I wasn't impressed with jigsaw tool.
It didn't do anything.
I'd have found it WAY more interesting if I could have shook the box up and put the puzzle together.
Maybe that's just me.

I've also discovered a problem I've been having.
I can't seem to find a library use for a number of these web 2.0 tools.
Sure, the RSS...
That is useful beyond the depths of my imaginations (which includes things like unicorns and gargoyles, so...really...it's VERY useful.)

Most of the things discussed so far though really seem to be useful, or entertaining, on a more personal level.

Onto some of the Flickr tools that I found that weren't listed by Neflin.

Globe Feed Maps
*Warning- this may have crashed my computer

Granted my computer is old and sad, but I was writing this as I was playing around with it.
It's a great big map. And it has the location of people that are on at the time. It's like some kind of chat thing that seemed really interesting...
But I don't think I'll be going back to explore it more.
If you have a nice new awesome computer...go for it.
My cried too long for me to want to go back again.

Most of the features still won't work this morning, and the presentation is about all I could find from the links posted on NEFLIN's blog that would work.

Sadly, this thing was mostly a disappointment for me.
I shall attempt to access some of this at work to see if my computer there isn't as sad my home computer.

I have gotten these things to work!
Here is my word in pictures!
C R Dismantled Neon Letter Pewter Ransom Font w

Thing 5: Flickr

I sit on a fence when it comes to photosharing sites.
I've found ways to share pictures with family and friends at places that host, but don't show off your pictures to everyone who comes along.
In that way, I can pass links along to those individuals who I actually want to show my pictures to.

As a photographer, I have some issues with people being able to swipe my images off the net.

That said...
I decided on option A.
I figured I could help out a friend who has some photo assignments coming up and look through there for some inspiring photos.

Her assignments were on motion and there are a lot of good pictures on Flickr.
I chose the above image.
The photo is by althani_1986
I'm rather impressed with most of the photos by this individual.

Here is the entire search for motion.

Overall, the experience using flicker is simple. Plug in the keyword and it'll bring back every picture someone has put that tag in.

I WOULD do option B...
But I'm old school. I don't even own a digital camera. (Yet.)
But if I get one before the 23 things are over, you better believe I'll come back and do option B


Thing 4: RSS and Newsreaders

This crazy thing with the acronym and the wavey orange design is something I've been dreading.
It might be why I put off doing ALL things 23 things until I finally cracked because the main blog made it up to 8...

...and I was still here at #4.

Isn't funny that a thing called "really simple syndication" would intimidate me?

It's because it's never really been explained to me before, and I've never tried to figure it out.

Well, all that's changed.

I use Google reader now as I already have a personal gmail account.

Now that I understand it...
I'm screaming...
And I'm sharing it with all my friends.

This thing is awesome. First, I cluttered up google reader with everything I could find that had the symbol...then...I went back and started adding the things I actually want on there.
Soon I'll figure out how to get rid of what I don't really want in there, but until then...

...all my news and friends blods are right there for me to read in one spot.
It's awesome.