
Thing 3

I'm playing a bit with the fonts and types for this post.

Thing three involves Technorati and blog search engines. This is a whole new area for me and I'll admit, I was a little intimidated. More than a little. I've put this off nearly a week. My little sphere of Livejournal was my extent of blogging. They have fairly easy search engines within the site for finding different interests and ultimately...if you find someone with your interest, or a community page with your interest, you'll find blog posts about your interest.

Technorati was confusing, intimidating and not really all that helpful for the things I looked up.
One of the alternate sites lead me to google blog Search.
That site brought back many more blog posts on my subjects. I found more useful than Technorati and more user friendly.

On the other hand...if you're just browsing, Technorati has things like top 100 blogs, and a blog directory that beats the pants off Google's 12 choices.
I guess if you have a specific topic you want to see blogs about, Google is the way to go...and if you're just bored and looking for something more random, Technorati will fit the bill.


Thing 2

Why are you participating in 23 Things @ NEFLIN? What do you hope to learn?

I was skeptical of my participation at first. There had been a buzz about 23 things at our library before Neflin came in for their presentation. I didn't do too much research before hand because I figured Neflin would tell me everything I needed to know about it.

During the presentation, I heard a few tools named that I already had familiarity with like MySpace and facebook.
So I looked into it after the presentation.
The more I thought about it, the more I felt the tools listed would be good to learn and understand. Every year we're becoming more of a technologically based society and to stay relevant, libraries need embrace the changes of society. I realized by the time I finish my Masters Degree we'll be even more ingrained in the internet. It makes sense to learn about some of these things now.

I even put a call out on my personal blog for my friends to follow along with me.

I'm also still trying to adjust to all the nifty gadgets to change my HTML.

We know time is always an issue--Stephen Abram shares some ideas on where to find the time for 23 Things. Where will you find the time?

Honestly, time is the easy part. I don't care who you are, everyone has 15 minutes a day they can spare.
I take two days.
One day to read the prompt. Another day is spent doing the things in it and if needed, a third for writing if I can't finish in that day.

Granted, this is only Thing 2. I may find myself WAY behind in a couple of weeks.

What are you looking forward to in 23 Things @ NEFLIN?

I'm looking forward to Wikis and Photosharing and Editing.
As a photographer, I'm always looking for new ways to share my images. I've learned...always read the fine print. And I've always been interested in Wikipedia. I think it's an awesome way to compile knowledge into one place.


Thing 1

I have created the blog.

Blogger is by far the easiest blogging site I have ever used. Everything is straightforward and dare I say...simple.

Currently I'm toying with the gadgets and debating which I'd like to put on my blog. I've been told to be thoughtful of the content so I'll skip the Pam Anderson picture of the day. Never know what you might get with that one.

I'm kidding. I don't even know if there is a Pam Anderson picture of the day.

I have added the label gadget as I've always found that helpful for finding past topics on other blog sites.

I've added a picture which was probably the easiest I've ever had it with adding a picture to any site I've used.

Overall I'm impressed with this blogging site.
Now we just have to see how easy it is to publish this and then how easy it will be to edit this post later when I have more time to explore the gadgets and do the challenges for thing 1.