
Thing 23: The End

I've submitted the survey.
This has been a very enjoyable and educational experience. Thank you to NEFLIN for doing this.

Thing 22: Staying current

Remember when you signed a book out of a library by taking the card out of it and...
You know, I was too young to really remember this. I just remember the card and in school we signed our name on it and left it with the librarian.
They stamped the back.
And I took it home.

Things got more advanced when I was in college. I worked at the library that year way back in 95. We were switching over from the card catalog...yeah, the one with ACTUAL cards...to the new computer system.
I don't think it was done when I left.
And every time I ask for my transcripts from that college they tell me I have overdue fees from 5 years after I left there. I'd like to know how I checked out books from that library in SC when I was living in New York.
Funny funny things.

Bottom line, times change. And staying current is a challenge for any library. I think most of the time, libraries resist change and lag behind in technology.
These tools we've reviewed are the first time I've seen some of them, some I've utilized myself for years. These are all things we can use to continue to push our libraries into the future.

I'll be starting on MLS in 2010 if everything goes according to plan. I'm hoping to discover even more useful tools during my studies. I will always strive to stay as current as I'm able in the areas of useful technologies to whatever library I work at in the future.
The most useful way to keep up I've found is to talk to people. Check out what sites people are going to, sharing useful info I have to other students (And there are quite a few new tools I've found doing this that I've shared with friends and classmates online.)
People come across random things online and don't think to tell people about them. Maybe I'll keep this blog as my "technologies" blog.

Thing 21: Student 2.0 tools

I was looking forward to exploring this thing when I saw it up as I'm a student as well as a library employee.
I thought I'd approach this thing from that angle. How useful is it to me for my assignments? How can I utilize it for my classes?
I thought by using this approach it'd pretty much answer the question "how can I use it my library?"

Assignment calculator
I have a book report due (A book report?! I know, I thought the same thing when I saw it on the syllabus) at the beginning of May that I'm trying to work on. So I put in todays date to start it, and the deadline date. I like how they have drop down for the subject. Some subjects will just take longer for assignments than others will.
It gave me 12 steps (most of which don't really apply because as I said, it's a book report instead of the normal 8-15 page research paper I'd actually have to write. I guess maybe I should switch the subject to English instead of psychology.

*is laughing*

Anyway, I can see this tool being very useful to students. I remember when I was a kid I always had difficulty managing my time when it came to assignments. The last possibly moment would come and I'd manage to get the assignment in, but there so much stress involved. Even now, I'm a last minute A.
I've always thought if teachers knew how much time an effort ACTUALLY went into my assignments they'd not give me an A.
I do believe I've found a new place to visit at the beginnings of all my future semesters.

((ON a side note...how the hell do you do a book report? I...I honestly can't remember ever writing one.))

Research Project Calculator

This one seems to be similar in outcome. You still give the same info but you have a lot less steps to go through.
Pretty much everything I said with the first once can be said here. They're both straightforward and I think would be a big help to students.

Teacher Guide
This has a lot of handy guides you can download about a variety of topics all related to doing a research project.
I can totally see these being useful to students and anyone who has a project they're working on.
I have an art show next year and I need to get cracking on making some new pieces that I can show. I think I'm going to try using some of these tools to get me moving at a good pace. Last thing I want to do is not have anything to show.


Thing 20: Book 2.0

Books on my phone

My phone ain't doing any things but calling people. *pokes it with a stick* I know...I'm behind in the times.
*pokes it again*
It's still not doing anything but dialing.
So sorry.

There's a place for books. They are not on my phone. I barely have the patience to read an actual book. I really don't want one on my phone or on my computer.

That said, I've seen technology progressing and these sorts of things are fairly common. I think I'm too old to be jumping on the bandwagon for this BUT I can see how the youngest generation of readers will be completely accustomed to this.
I see myself now trying to teach my mother how to use a computer - she was from the MS DOS age. And I can see my future niece or nephew trying to teach me how to read the books of the future.
I still don't like the idea of sitting in front of a screen and trying to read a book. I like the feel of the pages sliding between my fingers as I prepare to turn the page. I like the smell of old books. I wouldn't trade any of that for all the 010101010101 in the world.

That said,
of the sites I explored these are the ones I felt would be most helpful to my library or on a personal level.

What's Next? Come on, you know this is useful. How many times has someone asked "Blahblah was awesome, what's the next book?"

Book Lamp When I saw this description on the NEFLIN site I ran over and made an account. I ALWAYS have a hard time finding a book I like. I usually read the first page to the first chapter of something and just not want to bother continuing it. Usually, it will be that I've enjoyed a book by a certain author, so I assume I'll like all their books. And it's just not the case.
Although, with this one, once I was exploring I realized it's not at all what I thought it would be and I haven't even read a single book they had graphed yet.

Of the communities, I just really didn't bother looking too deeply into that. I don't really care what other people are reading or what they like. My tastes are very different from others. When I get to be a librarian, this may change...but really...just give me a list so I can skip the whole interacting with the person.

All of the book review places looked like they had potential. Again though, I don't really care what other people think of a book. Some books that people have ranted and raved about I've thought sucked. And vice versa.
Hell, most of the books I've enjoyed, most people I know don't even know what it is, with the except of 'The Great Gatsby.'

What should I read next? has potential, if it would stop giving me an internal error message.
This site works more like how I thought Book Lamp would work.

Overall, there are endless uses for all of these sites. There's just too many of them to try and go through.

Thing 19: Other social networking sites

I'm a member of several other social networking sites. I have another blog on Livejournal. Technically, it too is a social networking site. You can create communities based around any interest imaginable. There are community blogs for people with specific mental disorders, and who like specific TV shows, or books, or movies. There's communities for people who are interested in certain crafts, or animals or cars. There is even a community devoted to "Multi Dimensional Rantings and Theories" Ie. Time travel.

I had to look that one up to be sure. Even though it's listed as one of my interests, I never thought to check and see if there was a blog community set up for it.

Of those social networking sites listed, I've frequented playlist.com the most.
Drop the project...no need for it. It's just playlist.com.
It's great for when you have a song stuck in your head but you don't have it on your computer.
I also frequent flickster. Just not all that often.

I checked out fuzzster.com. It's cute, but I know I'll never use it. I'll keep it in mind for a couple of friends, though. They might appreciate it more.

Crafts looked interesting. It seems like a sort of forum based thing. I'm not big on forums, but I'll look at it more when I have more time.
After checking the wikipedia list of social networking sites, I've also done the whole classmates.com thing. I hate how you have to pay to communicate with anyone.
I'm also a big fan of DeviantART although I've not made my own profile on it. I just look at people's art, or download the photoshop brushes people make for use.
Fun stuff.

I also use meetup.com. There's two meetups in the g'ville area that interest me. I have yet to attend any of the meetings though. Board games.
Love em...never can find anyone to play either. I found a group of people that get together once a month through meetup.com
I've also used myheritage.com to do some research into my family tree.

Seriously...There are so many things on that list from Wiki that I can't see someone who uses a computer and hasn't used at LEAST one.

Thing 18: Facebook vs. myspace

I've used both sites for years. I started on myspace because of a business I was working in. A lot of the people used and still use it as a source for networking. Although I didn't stay with the business, I did continue to use it. I joined facebook a few years ago because I had a friend who absolutely refused to join myspace. He swore by facebook and that it was "for adults, and that myspace is for kids."

So I figured, what the hey?
And I joined it.

I have to admit, I prefer facebook to myspace. Myspace seems very much like a place to sell yourself. Facebook is set up so that your profile is automatically private and in order to view it you have to be someone's friend. It makes it seem cozier and "safe."

The way they're set up seems very different. Myspace you can customize your layout, and do all sorts of crazy things to it. Facebook is a little plainer, and more laid back.

Facebook started with the aps a LONG time before myspace caught on. I kind of respect facebook for being pioneering like that.
I have facebook listed first under my communication folder in my bookmarks because I use it so much more than anything else.
I have my little "addicted to family guy" Ap, and my Addicted to House Ap, and my Addicted to Supernatural Ap...
You get the picture. Facebook is the Ap palace.

I will say the picture uploading on facebook is a lot harder for my computer than the one on Myspace.

Overall, I can see how libraries can use this tools. Our library already does. It's funny, before this thing went up, I checked to see what I could find for our library. I found the library, and a handful of people who listed it as their job. Now...
...there's over 5 pages people.
If nothing else...23 Things is good for business, right?

Thing 17: Podcasts

I chose podcast.com to explore first. I don't have a lot of experience with podcasts, but I have used them infrequently to learn a little bit of different languages. I took Italian in college and try to keep refreshed with at the least basics as I plan sometime in my lifetime to go to Italy. I figure it's a good idea to know just enough to get around (Or more.)

Here is an Easter culture shot in one of the podcasts I found there.

I don't subscribe to podcasts. When the mood strikes me, I'll go looking for things. I'm still stuck on youtube, but it seems like for certain things (like keep fresh in languages) podcasts might be a better tool to use.
Podcast.com seemed pretty straight forward...you search for what you want to listen to and when you find it....you hit the play button.

gcast.com requires a yearly subscription fee of $99 so I doubt I will ever be using that service.


I made myself go in order because I KNEW I'd do the things I liked and would never get to other things.
Youtube should have been last.

Hopefully, I'll make it through everything.
Now, finally get to share my MOST loved videos.
(This will be a long post, with lots of visual aids - I call it "Why I love youtube")

First, let me share my all time favorite video on YouTube

Now, if you're at work and want to watch this, you MUST listen to the audio. BUT do not turn it up too loud. Your best bet is to watch it at home where you can listen to the volume and won't be looked at strangely if you burst out laughing for no apparent reason. After that, feel free to forward it to friends.
I think, although the topic is crazy drivers, this applies to my frantic efforts to complete these 23 things by the Neflin deadline.

I've been a huge youtube fan since I discovered it back in...
...I'm not sure. It was a while ago though.
Usually, i'd be at school, bored as hell and I'd duck into the computer lab with my earphones and watch videos on youtube.
I've never made a video to put on youtube...
But I have a friend who I met through another friend who went to school for TV production and has made a bunch for youtube.
I'd like to share one he made with his wife (my friend)

I think it's funny. Maybe you will too. (We all need a little comedy relief I think.)
Warning: Do NOT listen to it at work or in front of small children

Ok, so it's a little weird.
I still think it's funny.

In short, youtube is a great place for sharing video. Universities use it to share video lectures, bands use it to promote their music, kids use it to...
...well...be stupid and obnoxious really.
All in all, Youtube is awesome.

I can see using it in libraries...
A library could make a playlist of different topics like my stress management playlist (Again, previous warnings apply.)

I also think video is a great tool to use for libraries. So many people come in and don't know how the dewey decimal works or how to even find a fiction book. A library could make a simple how to video an either have it on their website, or playing in their library. They could make a video tour of the library showing where everything is located, or what special features their libraries have.
There are so many uses for videos I could make an entire post just on that.
I'll stop though.
And leave you with more videos.

This one is especially for Easter:

And lastly...
One with NO WARNING! (just turn down the audio cause it's a little loud)

Thing 15: Rollyo

My test search roll

I do not understand the purpose of this. Honestly.
The all powerful google is anything anyone needs. I can't even find words to blog about this.
It's the most pointless tool ever invented.
No, really it is.
It's more pointless than the hangman ap I play in Igoogle when I'm SUPER BORED and can find NOTHING else to do.
At least hangman makes sense to me.
simply does not.

Thing 14: Online Productivity tools

That handy little idea I had last post didn't work. You know the one were I do a blog a day, or blog when I've got insomnia.
I blame Runescape.
Stupid game.

So, this seems like it might have been helpful thing to do earlier.
This should totally be thing 1!!!

First off, I refuse to change the start page on my computer at home or at work. I have it sent the way I like it.
Not doing it and no one can make me.
*sticks out tongue and flaps it at the world*

Secondly, I use Igoogle. Have for years.
Funny thing that Google. It's useful for so many things and has a much catchier name than Yahoo. I've got so many things on my IGoogle that absoultely MUST haves...

Let's see...
First, and most important, is my email

I've also got the weather in JAX, G'Ville, St. Augustine and Cedar Key. You NEVER know when the urge to go to the beach is gunna strike. This way I know the weather at all the closest beaches as well as my own weather.

I have a date and time thing on it too...which is pointless since I can look at my wrist and already know it. I may take that off.

We have local movie listings, a calendar, and an online translator (Never know when you want to say "Don't touch my cookies" in Japanese!)

I have my ever useful cookie click that gives me my fortune of the day.
"You will have the best life EVER" Lucky numbers are 8, 40,22,30,20,41

I have brain teasers and a sudoku puzzle, Mahjong and color junction, who wants to be a millioniare and Are you Smarter than a fifth grader. I also have hangman. You need things that keep your mind sharp, right?
I also have a few that are just for fun like Pacman and today's horoscopes.

I've got Einstein's quote of the day and National Geographics picture of the day. I've also got funny cat pictures of the day
"You eated my cookie"
I guess the cat is talking about the fortune cookie I consumed a moment ago.

I also like to know the Moon's phase. Waning Gibbous at 93% full.

I have all these wonderful tools to help me out...
...and it's been so long since I used any of them.

For me, Online productivity tools just don't work.
Give me that cold hard calender thumbtacked to my wall with barely legible scribbles and highlighters marking SUPER IMPORTANT appointments. Little red hearts around special days and big black Xs for deadlines.

To do lists?
I have my handwritten ABC lists. A in red means DO NOW. B in Yellow means DO THIS WEEK. C in green means...someday, I'd like to see these things done, someday, they will make it to list B. And MAYBE...maybe they'll make it to list A, but probably not.
Grocery lists? Why make them on a computer?
Put them in your head and forget them when you get to the store. That way, you get to see the cute guy that bags the groceries again tomorrow. Right?

At the library I can't be bothered to use anything more than outlook. I'm only at my computer for twenty minutes a day max.


Thing 13: Librarything

I found librarything interesting. It's a neat little way to share with other friends and other people what you're reading. I can see uses for this for libraries too.

If you wanted to compile lists of books that librarians recommend for patrons, there you go. You can use it to put out recommendations for parents for their kids. I know I stop in down out at youth services department around christmas time to ask what's popular with the kids so I can by Christmas presents for my friends' children.
With this site...I might not have to ask them anymore. I could find reading lists for kids. But also, if libraries have a "What's popular" list...that's great too.

I will definitely be using this to organize my own library of books, which is actually much smaller since I moved two years ago. It's so hard to let go of books when you move. But sometimes, there's just not enough room to cram them all into your car.

As far as the local feature...I'm not sure how useful it is for the library. On a personal level...I FOUND my library on it.


Thing 12: Wikis

I can still remember, not so very long ago, going to my college's library for orientation. I'm not sure why every one of my English teachers wanted to make sure we understood how to use a library for research.

I can still remember the librarian talking about Wikipedia. "Don't use it!"
"Anyone can add information into wikipedia articles and while some people may be knowledgeable experts in their fields, Marlene's, from down the street, crazy Uncle Ned also has access to the site and can edit however he chooses."

That said...Wikipedia is one of my favorite places to go for first level research. There's SO much information there in one spot it's just the easiest first place to look when I'm wanting to know something completely random. If it's for something important, I'll take that info, look for the sources and then do further research on it to ensure whatever I found is a valid fact or just some random tidbit crazy Uncle Ned put in.

I still don't think there's anything wrong with banning Wikipedia from research. I found ways around using it when I was in college. Like I said...first level.
I found the info I wanted from it. Then found alternate sources to use for references that the teachers would find acceptable.
I think doing that helps students learn to find multiple sources of information to ensure the accuracy of what you learn.

I played around some with the meta:sandbox. I only tagged it really.

Ultimately, Wiki good. Delicious still BAAAADDDdddd!

Thing 11: Social Media

I've gotten way behind. NEFLIN is on thing 19, I'm still WAY back here. Good thing I've got the week off from classes and the first week will be light. I figure if I post a thing a day, I'll be caught up by the time this thing is over.

("Laughing out loud" for those acronymically challenged.)

I do want to update on thing 10 before I continue on with thing 11.
While at first it did seem awesome...It had hijacked my tab key and my ability to C&P in most windows. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get rid of the program that I installed into my browser. As soon as I figure how to get rid of the peskiness that is delicious I'll let you all know.


Read Terminator two meets that movie with Ally Sheedie
Or this one...about dinner saving a classroom. (Yes, they still eat guinea pigs in Peru.)

Articles like this one, while entertaining, make me fear for the future of information. I guess I fear more the contributions of everyday people than from legitimate news sources.
I'm sure if my brother could figure out how to, he'd be contributing crap like "Toads explode after being filled with firecrackers," along with video footage.
Maybe I'm being a little extreme, but I don't put much stock in social media outside of the entertainment value. Part of it being..."Wow...someone has too much time on their hands."

I wouldn't really want to use these tools in my library unless someone called up and said "HELP! I'm really depressed and need something to make me laugh! What do you suggest?"
Really, social media is nothing more than a productivity detractor.

By the way, if you have any free time (Don't watch these while you're working, seriously. Productivity detractor, remember?) I found these courtesy of reddit.

Exercise ball revenge.


Thing 10: Delicious


I did not know of the existence of this kind of site before 23 things.
My mind is bursting with the possibilities of this web 2.0 tool. I mean, information sharing among friends, among classmates, research tools, coworkers...
it's just endless.

I imported my bookmarks to my account and now I have the daunting task (because I'm horrible about cleaning up my bookmarks) of organizing it.
Thankfully, it kept my bookmark folders as tags, so a good chunk will be easy to sort through and see if the sites are active and relevant. Of course, I have 87 tags and over a thousand bookmarks to go through.

I do some online RPGs and write lots of short stories, so I have research bookmarks for all the characters and whatever was needed for the stories.
I guess you could say my bookmarks are kind of like cable TV 800 channels and nothing on. LOL

I can't wait to make some public research bookmarks for my friends, though. I'm trying to keep them in the loop of these great internet tools.


Thing 9

I've created some presentations.
Here is a slideshow I made on the ZOHO site.

This picture slideshow I made on Picturetrail.

The database tool wouldn't work for me, which was disappointing. I think it had the potential to be very useful in a lot of areas.


The presentation tool was the one I was very interested in exploring. I have a class starting in April and one of the requirements is to create presentation about the books read for the class. I have some experience with powerpoint, but I wanted to research other choices.

I'm still disappointed I can't get the database tool to work. I waited a few days to see if they'd get it up. I think it's just permanently down. I notified the people running the page that I could not create a database and I'm waiting to hear back from them.

Both Zoho and picture trail were easy to use. I enjoyed myself as I played around with the different features.

Thing 8

1. I've been using IM for almost ten years now. I was introduced to IM with AOL. I eventually added on ICQ and then discovered trillian.
Trllian is similar to Meebo(I think) there is another program as well that collects all your IMs into one place, but I can't think of the name off the top of my head.
Until this Thing I didn't realize there were other programs that did had this feature. I never liked the way Trillian was set up, so I'll have to look into these other programs (When I get my new computer, that is. It's hard when you only have 3GB of disk space left on your computer!!)

I've used many versions of AIM(AOL Instant Messenger) and am fond of their older programs. I guess I'm a simplistic IMer. All the new fancy doo-dads don't do anything for me.

I ABHOR test messaging. I can't stomp my feet hard enough and scream it loud enough!
I hate cell phones to begin with. I have one. I use it.
But it's my opinion that text messaging is used primarily to "sneak" communication. Kids use it in class, people sneak in text messages while they're working, and WORSE...
I've seen people use it while they're DRIVING!

-There was a really bad car accident that I read about in the paper a few years back in NY. Four teenage girls in an SUV. The driver lost control of the vehicle and it rolled. All the girls died. During the investigation, the police found that the driver received a text message less than a minute before the time of the crash. It was believed the text messaging distracted her and was the cause of the crash.-

I've told friends who have my cell number not to text me unless it can be answered with "yes," "no," "ok," or it doesn't have to be answered at all. And if I don't respond, not to take it personally.

3. I don't know a lot about web conferencing and haven't really experienced anything like that before. Most of the links provided for this thing either are PDF documents, which my computer doesn't like so I don't open unless it's a vital necessity that I do so, or for some reason don't like firefox.
So, this brings me to a rant I have and am going to share with anyone who reads this...

You(generically) are creating something you want to communicate to a broad range of people. Why would you create it so that it's run best with a certain browser?
What about ALL those people who have macs?
Or prefer another browser over internet explorer? OR whose IE doesn't run properly?

If you're going to create some piece of web communication, no matter what it is, it should be made so that everyone can access it!

All that said,
I want to add one last thing.
We use them at my library and they are a LIFE SAVER!
I work nights and my direct supervisors are usually gone by the time I come in. Emails allow us to converse on subjects of importance. They can leave me emails about pertinent things that need to be accomplished during my shift or reminders about everything under the sun.
plus, emails are more environmentally friendly than paper.
I have my personal library account sent up to send me email notices for reserves and overdues so that we need not ever receive paper in the mail.
Saves paper, and envelope and stamp!


Thing 7: Online Image Generators

Now...before we even start this blog entry...
while I don't have the time, I do have the talent to do my own graphics. I've been working with photoshop for around ten years now. My best friend's husband is a graphic artist, and I house sat for them one year. That's when my love affair with graphic arts started. I don't have a degree or anything, but ten years intensive experience with a program should substitute on some level, right?

I'm going to go on next to what this entire blog entry is about (maybe I should have started there.)
Online image generators...
They do save a lot of time.

Now...before we even start this blog entry...
while I don't have the time, I do have the talent to do my own graphics. I've been working with photoshop for around ten years now. My best friend's husband is a graphic artist, and I house sat for them one year. That's when my love affair with graphic arts started. I don't have a degree or anything, but ten years intensive experience with a program should substitute on some level, right?

I'm going to go on next to what this entire blog entry is about (maybe I should have started there.)
Online image generators...
They do save a lot of time.

Letter James
It wasn't all that great. It's really limited as far as your choices go. And they don't host the image for over 24 hours. So it's pretty much snag and upload yourself.

I liked Image Chef. Again, it was simplistic, but there were a LOT more choices.

Custom Baseball Jersey - ImageChef.com

Now, I bet you're wondering were the picture at the top came from, aren't you?
It's one of my pictures that I altered at Big Huge Labs using their Hockneyizer toy.
I've always been a fan of Hockney and have been working on a project where I actually...do it myself, by hand.
I was curious to see how well it worked and I'm rather impressed with that little gadget.
They have a huge selection of toys and things to do with images there.
It was loads of fun and have spent WAY too much time lately working on it.
(And YES! That is one of my pictures I hockneyized)


Thing 6: Flickr Mashups

Insomnia -- It's good for some things...like getting caught up with my 23 things. 4, 5, and 6 in one night. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
Of course, the goal is to learn.

And have fun.
Which I did.
I posted the one thing that I got to work that I could find a way to post it-- which was splashr.

My Presentation

I also had fun with the jigsaw, but since the photos I used were my own, I'm not going to share them here. If anyone is DESPERATE to see some of my work, feel free to comment here and I'll put together a few images and post them later on.

I wasn't impressed with jigsaw tool.
It didn't do anything.
I'd have found it WAY more interesting if I could have shook the box up and put the puzzle together.
Maybe that's just me.

I've also discovered a problem I've been having.
I can't seem to find a library use for a number of these web 2.0 tools.
Sure, the RSS...
That is useful beyond the depths of my imaginations (which includes things like unicorns and gargoyles, so...really...it's VERY useful.)

Most of the things discussed so far though really seem to be useful, or entertaining, on a more personal level.

Onto some of the Flickr tools that I found that weren't listed by Neflin.

Globe Feed Maps
*Warning- this may have crashed my computer

Granted my computer is old and sad, but I was writing this as I was playing around with it.
It's a great big map. And it has the location of people that are on at the time. It's like some kind of chat thing that seemed really interesting...
But I don't think I'll be going back to explore it more.
If you have a nice new awesome computer...go for it.
My cried too long for me to want to go back again.

Most of the features still won't work this morning, and the presentation is about all I could find from the links posted on NEFLIN's blog that would work.

Sadly, this thing was mostly a disappointment for me.
I shall attempt to access some of this at work to see if my computer there isn't as sad my home computer.

I have gotten these things to work!
Here is my word in pictures!
C R Dismantled Neon Letter Pewter Ransom Font w

Thing 5: Flickr

I sit on a fence when it comes to photosharing sites.
I've found ways to share pictures with family and friends at places that host, but don't show off your pictures to everyone who comes along.
In that way, I can pass links along to those individuals who I actually want to show my pictures to.

As a photographer, I have some issues with people being able to swipe my images off the net.

That said...
I decided on option A.
I figured I could help out a friend who has some photo assignments coming up and look through there for some inspiring photos.

Her assignments were on motion and there are a lot of good pictures on Flickr.
I chose the above image.
The photo is by althani_1986
I'm rather impressed with most of the photos by this individual.

Here is the entire search for motion.

Overall, the experience using flicker is simple. Plug in the keyword and it'll bring back every picture someone has put that tag in.

I WOULD do option B...
But I'm old school. I don't even own a digital camera. (Yet.)
But if I get one before the 23 things are over, you better believe I'll come back and do option B


Thing 4: RSS and Newsreaders

This crazy thing with the acronym and the wavey orange design is something I've been dreading.
It might be why I put off doing ALL things 23 things until I finally cracked because the main blog made it up to 8...

...and I was still here at #4.

Isn't funny that a thing called "really simple syndication" would intimidate me?

It's because it's never really been explained to me before, and I've never tried to figure it out.

Well, all that's changed.

I use Google reader now as I already have a personal gmail account.

Now that I understand it...
I'm screaming...
And I'm sharing it with all my friends.

This thing is awesome. First, I cluttered up google reader with everything I could find that had the symbol...then...I went back and started adding the things I actually want on there.
Soon I'll figure out how to get rid of what I don't really want in there, but until then...

...all my news and friends blods are right there for me to read in one spot.
It's awesome.


Thing 3

I'm playing a bit with the fonts and types for this post.

Thing three involves Technorati and blog search engines. This is a whole new area for me and I'll admit, I was a little intimidated. More than a little. I've put this off nearly a week. My little sphere of Livejournal was my extent of blogging. They have fairly easy search engines within the site for finding different interests and ultimately...if you find someone with your interest, or a community page with your interest, you'll find blog posts about your interest.

Technorati was confusing, intimidating and not really all that helpful for the things I looked up.
One of the alternate sites lead me to google blog Search.
That site brought back many more blog posts on my subjects. I found more useful than Technorati and more user friendly.

On the other hand...if you're just browsing, Technorati has things like top 100 blogs, and a blog directory that beats the pants off Google's 12 choices.
I guess if you have a specific topic you want to see blogs about, Google is the way to go...and if you're just bored and looking for something more random, Technorati will fit the bill.


Thing 2

Why are you participating in 23 Things @ NEFLIN? What do you hope to learn?

I was skeptical of my participation at first. There had been a buzz about 23 things at our library before Neflin came in for their presentation. I didn't do too much research before hand because I figured Neflin would tell me everything I needed to know about it.

During the presentation, I heard a few tools named that I already had familiarity with like MySpace and facebook.
So I looked into it after the presentation.
The more I thought about it, the more I felt the tools listed would be good to learn and understand. Every year we're becoming more of a technologically based society and to stay relevant, libraries need embrace the changes of society. I realized by the time I finish my Masters Degree we'll be even more ingrained in the internet. It makes sense to learn about some of these things now.

I even put a call out on my personal blog for my friends to follow along with me.

I'm also still trying to adjust to all the nifty gadgets to change my HTML.

We know time is always an issue--Stephen Abram shares some ideas on where to find the time for 23 Things. Where will you find the time?

Honestly, time is the easy part. I don't care who you are, everyone has 15 minutes a day they can spare.
I take two days.
One day to read the prompt. Another day is spent doing the things in it and if needed, a third for writing if I can't finish in that day.

Granted, this is only Thing 2. I may find myself WAY behind in a couple of weeks.

What are you looking forward to in 23 Things @ NEFLIN?

I'm looking forward to Wikis and Photosharing and Editing.
As a photographer, I'm always looking for new ways to share my images. I've learned...always read the fine print. And I've always been interested in Wikipedia. I think it's an awesome way to compile knowledge into one place.


Thing 1

I have created the blog.

Blogger is by far the easiest blogging site I have ever used. Everything is straightforward and dare I say...simple.

Currently I'm toying with the gadgets and debating which I'd like to put on my blog. I've been told to be thoughtful of the content so I'll skip the Pam Anderson picture of the day. Never know what you might get with that one.

I'm kidding. I don't even know if there is a Pam Anderson picture of the day.

I have added the label gadget as I've always found that helpful for finding past topics on other blog sites.

I've added a picture which was probably the easiest I've ever had it with adding a picture to any site I've used.

Overall I'm impressed with this blogging site.
Now we just have to see how easy it is to publish this and then how easy it will be to edit this post later when I have more time to explore the gadgets and do the challenges for thing 1.